If the big banks that brought down the economy could be reduced to human form, they might have the appearance of the six woman who compose the “Bitches Coven”. With large candles blazing with in the center of an old table, the women plot and maneuver the fate of a town subject to their entitled power and privilege.
Written and directed by Patrick Kenny, “Bitches Coven” is a very clever short film out of Ireland. The acting is superb, with enough restrain to keep the film from becoming a sarcastic evil Stepford Wives-fest. Instead, Kenny creates crisp characters who, while united in purpose, manage to represent a distinct, unsavory element of fear that cripples the growth of a society.
“Bitches Coven” is also filled with enough twists that brings the film to a sly, creative end. Trickle down at its finest.
Cultural aspect: Accents.
Extra special: In English, so there is no need to read subtitles.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEZXxmrOBic>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEZXxmrOBic
“Bitches Coven”
Writer/Director: Patrick Kenny
Cast: Jill Bradbury, Mary Craddock, Paula Drohan, Colette Browne, Clare Gibbs, Ann O’Keefe
(c)2014 Slow Suburban Death. All rights reserved
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