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Animated (real) shorts: Different styles for different countries

I have always been an animation fan, having grown up on “Speed Racer”, “Kimba” and “Minashigo Hatchi”.  While I find the current popular run of Hollywood animated film to be a bit tiring, the large international selection of short films are delightful.  Here are a few animated shorts from different parts of the world.  I am most intrigued by the varying style from each country:

“Blow Me A Kiss” (India) – ****

Standard storyline with a charming 3D rendition.  The highlight is the long fingered, creepy woman begging a kiss.

The animation is beautifully done, with character drawings that reflect the oddities of each character in this short film.

“Last Samurai” (France) – ****.5

According to this film’s page, this is Japanese calligraphy ink drawings done by the French.  The delicacy and grace of the ink drawings lends ambiance to this simple samurai story.  Also, soundtrack is nicely done.

“Miss Match” (Kenya) – **.5

Very short film with punchy, humorous animation.  The storyline delivery needs some work, but otherwise well done.

(Film credits on the You Tube page)


Published inAnimationEntertainmentFilm ReviewShort Film

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