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So about that Facebook friend …


I have always been curious about people who have over 300 – 1000+ Facebook friends.  It is already difficult to read my newsfeed with the few friends I do have, especially since Facebook likes to interrupt and confuse my sessions with their horrible advertisements and status/updates that are listed without regard for date and time.  While the trend might be to impress others by having many Facebook connections, consider the possibility that opening your personal information, photographs and status updates is comparable to allowing both friends and acquaintances to rifle through your computer or purse.

“Can’t We Be Friends”, skillfully directed by Jakob Belaga and Baptiste Magontier, explores the consequence of virtual friendships and its impact on real life relationships.  Beautifully crafted and shot, this film  winds its way through the lives of two individuals, making sure to catch every nuance that goes into their relationship.  There is a intense level of complexity that is present in this otherwise simple story, and it is captured in the pacing and shots so exquisitely delivered by Belaga and Magontier.  Even if you can anticipate how this gist of the story, principal actors Lily Bloom and Charles Van Tieghem are capable of delivering an ending that is no less jarring.

This is a short film with subtitles, which is good news for people who do not like to read

(c)2014 Slow Suburban Death.  All rights reserved

Published inEntertainmentMoviesShort Film

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