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Tag: #Cinema

So about that Facebook friend …


I have always been curious about people who have over 300 – 1000+ Facebook friends.  It is already difficult to read my newsfeed with the few friends I do have, especially since Facebook likes to interrupt and confuse my sessions with their horrible advertisements and status/updates that are listed without regard for date and time.  While the trend might be to impress others by having many Facebook connections, consider the possibility that opening your personal information, photographs and status updates is comparable to allowing both friends and acquaintances to rifle through your computer or purse.

Box office showdown of Biblical proportions


During that phase of my life when I dabbled with fundie-style Christianity, I remember others lamenting the lack of faith-based films.  Of course it was during this stage that I made several of my own films, although I aggressively went down the path of disjointed pathos, murder and decadence in stark black and white, reminiscent of Marguerite Duras.  Dipping my toes into Christian tales was never an option or preference.  I never felt that faith had anything to do with my choice of film style, and I personally abhorred most Christian films that were aired during church events.